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PERCEIVING ME - printable files (pdf / png)

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An endless text following an infinite custom-made pattern, reflecting on the stories we tell ourselves to explain who we are, who we were and who we wiant to become; while moving along the available space

Written by Allis Fiction:

"I cannot perceive at all who is it that I was or will be, but I can certainly elaborate all the necessary words to create or narrate my possible pasts along with my potential futures. What I cannot do is to state, truthfully, that something, anything happened or will happen. I'm compelled to say that even this here moment might not be happening either, even if I'm being witnessed by someone or something else; but I can certainly provide the words which bound together can create a story or an interpretation of what I was; and based upon that story I can build other stories and more characters, plots, situations, until I am able to find myself comfortably living inside this world of thought which I created. And if somehow these thoughts -these ideas of myself -are somehow shared, entrusted to someone or something else, this interpretation of my reality ceases to be mine, exclusively, and becomes a shared experience; a common ground reinforced by all other systems of thought and structures, and together we can build an entire universe -a whole series of them, actually and with multiple dimensions -a place or a state of mind, always open to receive all their stories and interpretations, expanding further the length of our perceived an unperceived realities, expanding further the realm that began with a single thought, possibly a single idea: the notion of me as something rather than nothing..."

Read the full text here

"Perceiving me" was handwritten on 11x17" paper and then scanned to be distributed and printed worldwide.

  • Ready-to-print .pdfs for 16x20" and 11x17" frames
  • .png at 300 DPI to print on any or larger surface
  • .pdf pattern to write your own text.

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You will get the following files:
  • PDF (1MB)
  • PNG (2MB)
  • PDF (1MB)
  • PDF (2MB)

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